Sean Young is originally from Toledo, Ohio. The Midwest wasn’t really satisfying the needs of the Young family though so they decided to move to Tampa five years ago. Sean plays soccer. Sean is super duper at soccer. He is so super duper at it he even plays college soccer! Sean will be a sophomore at University of Buffalo. However, his freshman year he attended University of North Florida. Since Sean is Scottish he pretty much came out of the womb wearing shin guards and not using his hands for anything. With this kind of pedigree it is no wonder that he has accumulated a plethora of awards throughout his career. He was Super-Y golden boot with six goals (missed the extra point), made the All-star team, played ODP for Ohio and made the Regional extended pool of 50 best players in the Northwest Region. Not too shabby you little redhead. However, this is nothing new to the Young Family. Dominating soccer is what they do. Sean’s grandfather, James Young, played for Portsmouth and his father, Thomas Young, played for East Strausburg (both professional soccer teams in Scotland). Sean does not only love playing soccer but also watching it, specifically his favorite team, Arsenal. The only reason we can understand why Sean likes Arsenal is because he has red hair and their colors are red. So much red happening. In all seriousness, Sean works as hard as anyone here at Cooper Sports and it is an honor to train an athlete such as himself. When I asked Sean what his favorite quote was he said “live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now.” Like a miniature red-headed Buddha if you ask me.